• 当我教书的时候, one of my main goals is to shift students' emphasis from looking for specific answers to asking themselves how the material fits within theoretical expectations. I also emphasize how specific knowledge integrates with other aspects of biology, giving them an important perspective on the interconnectedness of the biological approach. 我经常用探究式的方法让学生提问, 然后帮助他们自己找出答案, which provides students with a strong sense of ownership over course material, 同时也提供了强大的知识基础和分析技能.

    我最喜欢教的课程之一是动物行为学. This is the type of course that has the potential to completely change a person's perspective on the world — the power of using evolutionary thinking applied to day-to-day events can be remarkably enlightening for many students — and I am constantly thrilled to see this kind of excitement erupt in many of my students.

    • Ph.D.康奈尔大学 
    • B.S.美国亚利桑那大学


    • 辛普森,R. K.*,约翰逊,M. A.墨菲·T. G. (2015). Migration and the evolution of sexual dichromatism: evolutionary loss of female coloration with migration among wood-warblers. 英国皇家学会学报,B 282: 20150375.
    • ”维. C.*,墨菲T. G.——塔文·K. A. (2014). Blood parasite infection differentially relates to carotenoid-based plumage and bill color in the American goldfinch. 生态学与进化4:3210-3217.
    • 墨菲T. G.韦斯特·J. A.*,范T. T.*, Cevallos L. M.*,辛普森,R. K.*,塔文·K. A. (2014). 相同的特征, 不同的接受者反应:不像女性, 雄性美洲金翅雀不会用喙的颜色来表明地位. 动物行为学93:121-127.
    • 范教授T. T.*. S.*,塔文,K. A.墨菲·T. G. (2014) Honesty of a dynamic female aggressive status signal: baseline testosterone relates to bill color in female American goldfinches. 鸟类生物学杂志45:22-28.
    • 库克E. G.*,墨菲T. G.约翰逊·M. A. (2013) Colorful displays signal male quality in a tropical anole lizard. 《100:993 - 996.
    • 罗森塔尔米.F.墨菲·T.G.亲爱的N.——塔文·K.A. (2012) 观赏喙的颜色迅速指示变化的条件. 鸟类生物学杂志(43):553 - 564.
    • Tarvin K. A.墨菲·T. G. (2012) It isn’t always sexy when both are bright and shiny: considering alternatives to sexual selection in elaborate monomorphic species. ibis154:439 - 443.
    • 墨菲T. G.,范T. T.* (2012) Condition and brightness of structural blue-green: motmot tail-racket brightness is related to speed of feather growth in males, 但对女性来说不是这样. 生物学杂志106:673-681.
    • 墨菲T. G.罗森塔尔·M. F.蒙哥马利·R.——塔文·K. A. (2009). "Female American goldfinches use carotenoid-based bill coloration to signal status.行为生态学20:1348-1355.
    • 墨菲T. G., Hernández-Muciño D. Osorio-Beristain M.蒙哥马利·R.,英国,英国. E. (2009). "Carotenoid-based status signaling by females in the tropical streak-backed oriole.行为生态学20:1000-1006.
    • 墨菲T. G. (2008). “尾巴缺乏选择性交配, 表型条件, or body-size in the elaborate monomorphic Turquoise-browed Motmot (Eumomota superciliosa).”《海洋》125:11-19.
    • 价格我. J.尤尼斯·吉米内斯·L.Osorio-Beristain M.,英国. E.墨菲·T. G. (2008). 歌曲中的性别角色转换? Females sing more frequently than males in the streak-backed oriole (Icterus pustulatus).秃鹰110:387-392.
    • 墨菲T. G. (2007). 不诚实的“先发制人”追击威慑信号? 为什么蓝绿色眉毛的土拨鼠在喂雏鸟之前摇尾巴." 动物行为学73:965-970.
    • 墨菲T. G. (2007). "Racketed-tail of the male and female turquoise-browed motmot: male but not female tail length correlates with pairing success, 表演, 繁殖成功.行为生态学与社会生物学61:911-918.
    • 墨菲T. G. (2006). "Predator-elicited visual signal: Why the turquoise-browed motmot wag-displays its racketed tail.行为生态学17:547-553.

    My 实验室的研究计划 横跨生态学和进化生物学, with an emphasis on social signaling and the evolutionary maintenance of elaborate characters used during animal communication. I combine evolutionary based comparative-studies with field- and aviary-based behavioral studies. My students and I generally work on birds because they are wonderful model organisms for this kind of research, 因为它们表现出如此令人难以置信的性别二态性多样性, 饰品, 以及交配系统. 我们也在实验室里研究鱼类的交配和社会行为, 因为这些系统易于处理和操作.

    Most of the lab's research focuses on understanding the evolutionary processes that select for female ornamentation. Although many studies have provided strong empirical support for fitness benefits associated with male 饰品 (i.e., 通常是为了给雌性留下深刻印象), it remains unclear if females also generally benefit from elaborate traits. Because females have been so neglected in studies of behavior and evolution, we have only a rudimentary understanding of selective pressures acting on them. 事实上, we know very little about whether elaborate female traits are generally adaptive, 在交流中使用女性特征的情况下, it remains unclear whether they typically function as mate-advertisement signals, 或作为地位的象征(如.e.主导地位). 像这样, 这个领域正在迅速发展, and new discoveries are rapidly emerging that are shaping the way we look at the process of evolution (see research on how females have been found to use elaborate traits to signal dominance in both goldfinches and orioles).


    加入我实验室的学生进行独立的研究项目, 并且经常把他们的项目变成荣誉论文. Student-based research focuses on understanding evolutionary adaptation or evolutional history of behavioral phenotypes. I work hand-in-hand with students throughout the process of conceptualizing the theoretical framework, 进行实验, 数据分析, 最后, results are presented at national/international meetings and we publish the work in peer-reviewed journals. 大多数学生的研究都是关于鸟类(金翅雀)的, motmots, 山雀)和鱼(斗鱼), and many of my students accompany me to the field (often to Canada or to Mexico) for 6-8 weeks of the summer to conduct behavioral work with birds.


    • 动物行为 
    • 综合生物学 
    • 解决生物学问题的方法

    目前, I am partnering with middle-school classrooms in the Northside Independent School District here in 圣安东尼奥 to capture, 乐队, 并监测紫色马丁在大型筑巢群中的繁殖情况. One of the most exciting aspects of this project is that these colonies, 由大型人造马丁公寓组成, are located right in the middle of their respective campuses -- and so the students gain a glimpse of nature and science in action as they walk from one class to another. This partnership provides a wonderful opportunity for 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 faculty and students to share their passion and scientific expertise with kids and teachers at local elementary schools.