• A Mexico City native, professor Rosana Blanco-Cano received her B.A. in Hispanic literature from the National University of Mexico. 她完成了硕士和博士学位.D. in 西班牙语 with a specialization in Mexican cultural studies at Tulane University in New Orleans.

     At 澳门金沙线上赌博官网, she has taught a wide variety of courses on language, writing, literature, and culture. She has created a number of new classes in which she favors an interdisciplinary approach. An interdisciplinary approach not only creates a more positive response from students, who seem to enjoy the incorporation of different genres and disciplines in one class, but also demonstrates concretely that the interpretation of Latin American cultural phenomena can be diverse and even at times contradictory. She has participated in several teaching and academic experiences in Mexico with 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 students, tying her teaching in a number of ways to her scholarly research.

    She has presented her work in national and international conferences and written several journal articles. 她了 百年西班牙电影 (London: Blackwell, 2008), and is the author of Cuerpos disidentes del México imaginado: Cultura, genero, etnia y nación más allá del proyecto posrevolucionario (Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2010).

    • Ph.D. 西班牙语是杜兰大学 
    • M.A. 西班牙语是杜兰大学
    • B.A. in Hispanic Literature, National Autonomous University of Mexico 

    • Cuerpos disidentes del México imaginado: Cultura, genero, etnia y nación más allá del proyecto posrevolucionario. Madrid/Frankfurt: Editorial Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2010. 这是不同之处. Estudios de la Cultura de América Latina, 29). ISBN 9788484895091


    • "Geografías y ciudadanías alternativas desde Chiapas, México: 绝望的女人 (1992) de Petrona de la Cruz-Cruz." Chicana/Latina Studies: The Journal of Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social (加州大学圣克鲁兹分校. 1&2(春季2009):91-124
    • "Revisiones a las narraciones históricas mexicanas en Duerme (1994) e 'Isabel' (2000) de Carmen Boullosa.“Especulo. Revista de Estudios literarios (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) 40 (Nov.2008年2月.2009): s/n
    • "Espacios de poder: Revisiones a las prácticas de genero y ciudadanía en el teatro de Petrona de la Cruz Cruz." Revista Letras Femeninas-Asociación de Feministas Hispánicas (亚利桑那州立大学.1 (2007): 73–96
    • "Escritura desde ventanas: tres perspectivas en la trayectoria literaria de María Luisa Puga." Anuario de Letras (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) XLIV (2006): 211–231
    • "Masculinidades en atribulación, ansiedad y transición en Carne Trémula (1997) de Pedro Almodóvar." Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies (澳大利亚)12.2 (2006): 55–75
    • “繁殖的颠覆者。?: Norma的用法和样例 Infinita 德·埃塞尔·克劳兹." Revista de Literatura Mexicana Contemporánea (德州大学埃尔帕索分校.29(2006年4月):83-94
    • "Cuerpos míticos y políticos en descontrol: la gran familia mexicana en el cine del nuevo milenio," CiberLetras: Journal of literary criticism and culture (Yale University, CUNY) 13 (July 2005): s/n
    • "Dislocamientos sexuales, genéricos y nacionales en Infinita 德·埃塞尔·克劳兹." CiberLetras: Journal of literary criticism and culture (Yale University, CUNY) 11 (July 2004): s/n


    • 百年西班牙电影. 与Tatjana Pavlovic合著, Inmaculada阿尔瓦雷斯, Alejandra奥索里奥, Alejandra桑切斯, 和阿尼特拉·格里斯莱斯. 伦敦:Blackwell出版社,2008. ISBN 9781405184205/ ISBN 9781444304794


    • “福斯特,大卫·威廉. Queer Issues in Contemporary Latin American Cinema." Tipiti: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America 3.2 (2005): 219–222

    Blanco-Cano's research focus is (trans)national Mexican cultural studies, 性别与绩效研究, Latin American cinema and 西班牙语 cinema. 在接下来的几年里, she will be conducting research on contemporary Latin American cinema productions to conceive a companion text for undergraduate and graduate classes. 也, she will continue her research on horror in Latin America and Spain and  open a new line of research on depictions of gender, 性, 政治, and citizenships in contemporary Mexican TV productions.

    • 西班牙-美国电影
    • 西班牙裔美国女作家 
    • Horror Cinema and Literature in Latin America and Spain 
    • (Trans)national Mexican Popular Culture 
    • Brazil: Language, Culture and Identity 
    • MAS Program FYS Migratory Cultures in the Americas 
    • 各级西班牙语水平


    Blanco-Cano currently co-directs the Program of 妇女与性别研究 at 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 and is the chair of the Mexican Cultural and Literary Studies Discussion Group at the Modern Languages Association.

    She co-organized a Lennox Seminar on Transnational Mexican Cultures (2008, 澳门金沙线上赌博官网U.) and organized the first MAS Program Alvarez Seminar on New Identities in the Americas (2010, 澳门金沙线上赌博官网U.).

    她是文加的赞助人! 西班牙语会话组, 拉丁美洲人交换, and is the current adviser of the 西班牙语 Honors Society Sigma Delta Pi.


    She organized the  MAS Program Álvarez Seminar on New Identities in the Americas (Spring 2010),  a semester event that served to enrich campus presence in 圣安东尼奥 community and vice versa.