• 米歇尔•约翰逊 joined the Department of 生物学 in 2009, after completing her Ph.D. in evolutionary biology at Washington University and postdoctoral work in behavioral neuroscience at Michigan State University. 约翰逊 teaches courses on evolution, and her research focuses on the evolution of lizard behavior. She has long been involved in initiatives to support women in science, and she works closely with local elementary teachers to advance science education in 圣安东尼奥.

    • Ph.D., Washington University in St. 路易 
    • B.S., Wake Forest University 
    • Vitousek, M.N., M.A. 约翰逊,J.W. 唐纳德,C.D. 弗朗西斯,米.J. Fuxjager W. Goymann, M. Hau J.F. Husak B.K. 柯切,R. 克纳普,我.B. 马丁,E.T. 米勒,我.A. Schoenle J. Uehling*,和T.D. 威廉姆斯. 2018. HormoneBase, a population-level database of steroid hormone levels across vertebrates. Scientific Data 5:180097.
    • 约翰逊,米.A., C.D. 弗朗西斯,E.T. 米勒,C.J. 唐斯和M.N. Vitousek. 2018. Detecting bias in large-scale comparative analysis: Methods for expanding the scope of hypothesis-testing with HormoneBase. Integrative and Comparative 生物学 58:720-728.
    • 约翰逊,米.A., B.K. D.J. 卡斯特罗*. 2018. The evolution of androgen receptor expression and behavior in Anolis lizard forelimb muscles. Journal of Comparative Physiology A 204: 71-79.
    • 布什,J.M.*, M.M. 奎因* E.C. 巴尔雷拉和M.A. 约翰逊. 2016. How do lizards determine dominance? 应用ing ranking algorithms to animal social behavior. Animal Behaviour 118: 65-74.
    • 罗宾逊,C.D.*, M.S. 巴顿* B.M. 安德烈和M.A. 约翰逊. 2015. Convergent evolution of brain morphology and communication modalities in lizards. Current Zoology 61: 281-291.

    * denotes 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 undergraduate co-author

    How does behavior evolve? The 约翰逊 lab group is interested in the ecological factors that influence social behaviors and the physiological mechanisms that underlie those behaviors. Most of the lab’s work uses Caribbean lizards in the genus Anolis, 或变色蜥蜴一样, but we’re also exploring the diversity of lizards that occur at our local field sites in south-central Texas. We use field observations, laboratory experiments, 分子遗传学, neuroendocrine techniques, and comparative methodology to explore behavioral evolution.

    • 综合生物学 
    • Introductory 生物学 Laboratory 
    • 进化 
    • The Darwinian Revolution
    • 脊椎动物生物学


    • National Science Foundation IOS 1257021. RUI: Behavioral convergence in Caribbean lizards: morphological and physiological mechanisms. 2013-2018. $515,000.
    • 德州伊科尔. 2010-2019. Ten grants totaling over $113,000

    • 2019 - 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏’s “Best of the Best” 教师 Award
    • 2018 - President’s Award for Excellence in Student Advocacy, 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏
    • 2015 - Junior 教师 Award for Distinguished Teaching and 研究, 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏
    • 2014 - Outstanding Mentor Award, Early Career, Council on Undergraduate 研究, 生物学 Division

    圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 参与

    • TWIST (澳门金沙线上赌博官网 Women in Science & Technology) faculty adviser
    • Phi Beta Kappa, member of leadership team in 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏’s chapter
    • Darwin Day planning committee
    • Major Scholarships and Fellowships Committee

    Community 参与

    • Coordinator of 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏’s Science Teaching Institute
    • Society of Integrative and Comparative 生物学 - Secretary
    • Texas Herpetological Society - Editor